Capacity Enquiry and Referral Form

If you have submitted an Enquiry that has been accepted, you have been directed back to this page to complete the Full Referral. Please change the dropdown option of "Is this a Capacity Enquiry" to "No - specific Referral" .

Please note - Completion of this Enquiry/Referral form does not guarantee that it will be accepted.

Client Details

Client Representative / Plan Nominee

If there is an Advocate in place, please specify their information below

Capacity Enquiry



Referrer details

Referral Reason

Funding Information

Please provide Company name
Please add email address

Please make sure to provide the correct budget details.

If there are any uncertainties, we will contact you via email to confirm the breakdown of the funding line items. 

It is important to note that incorrect financial information may prevent the referral from being processed.
Non-labour travel is charged at $1.00/km and is not included in the hours below.

Price varies for supports depending on day and time delivered - see table below
Please note this is an approximation only

Please note this is an estimate on Support Worker funding as there may be Evening, Overnight, Weekend or Public Holiday supports required, which is a different rate to Daytime services.

Assistance With Self-Care Activities:

Support Category Name Line Item Rate per hour
Standard - Weekday Daytime 01_011_0107_1_1
Standard - Weekday Evening 01_015_0107_1_1
Standard - Weekday Night 01_002_0107_1_1
Night-Time Sleepover 01_010_0107_1_1
Standard - Saturday 01_013_0107_1_1
Standard - Sunday 01_014_0107_1_1
Standard - Public Holiday 01_012_0107_1_1
Price varies for supports depending on day and time delivered - see table below
Please note this is an approximation only

Please note this is an estimate on Registered Nurse funding amount as there may be Evening, Weekend or Public Holiday supports required, which is a different rate to Daytime services.

CORE: Delivery of Health Supports by a Registered Nurse:

Support Category Name Line Item Rate per hour
Weekday Daytime01_606_0114_1_1
Weekday Evening01_607_0114_1_1
Weekday Night01_611_0114_1_1
Public Holiday01_610_0114_1_1

Please note this is an estimate on Registered Nurse funding amount as there may be Evening, Weekend or Public Holiday supports required, which is a different rate to Daytime services.

CB Daily - Community Nursing Care: Delivery of Health Supports by a Registered Nurse:

Support Category Name Line Item Rate per hour
Weekday Daytime15_406_0114_1_3
Weekday Evening 15_407_0114_1_3
Weekday Night 15_411_0114_1_3
Saturday 15_408_0114_1_3
Sunday 15_409_0114_1_3
Public Holiday 15_410_0114_1_3
Price varies for supports depending on day and time delivered - see table below
Please note this is an approximation only

Please note this is an estimate on Clinical Nurse funding amount as there may be Evening, Weekend or Public Holiday supports required, which is a different rate to Daytime services.

CB Daily - Community Nursing Care: Delivery of Health Supports by a Clinical Nurse:

Support Category Name Line Item Rate per hour
Weekday Daytime15_412_0114_1_3
Weekday Evening 15_413_0114_1_3
Weekday Night 15_417_0114_1_3
Saturday 15_414_0114_1_3
Sunday 15_415_0114_1_3
Public Holiday 15_416_0114_1_3
$222.99 per hour
$222.99 per hour
$77.00 per hour
$193.99 per hour
$193.99 per hour
$193.99 per hour
$193.99 per hour
Specific consent from the LAC for this Client must be provided before LeadsCare Services can claim from CORE Other Therapy Supports.
If unknown, please provide an estimated $ amount of the next 12 months

Complaints & Feedback

Do you have any complaints or feedback you would like to share with us?  Click Here to submit your feedback to Billy Cart Behaviour.

Risk Factors

Please provide information about risks to the Person, Community, Family, Environment or Therapists.

Please provide explanation in as much depth as possible

Capacity to Enquiry

Thank you - an apology for lack of capacity will be sent to the Enquirer

PLEASE write in here your yes no or maybe reasoning, and this is auto sent to the Enquirer on workflow emails

Thank you - this Referral form will be sent back to the Enquirer

Referral Information


Stakeholder(s) Involved

Director Review

ADMIN: Yes is always Yes - Waitlisted unless otherwise specified in Director Finalisation: "Any specifics re wait time for this particular Client?"
Please be aware this text is sent to referrer on the workflow email

Director Finalisation

Admin Actions

This Client will receive Support Work OR Registered Nursing OR Clinical Nursing 
In regards to shift times the following applies:
Day shift - 6am until 8pm
Evening - 8pm until 10pm
Night - 10pm until 6am next day

1. Please fill in this Excel sheet based on the information provided from the Directors,
LEADS Quoting Calculations Spreadsheet (click me)
 or found in PPM OneDrive

2. Right click on either the Support Work or Registered Nursing or Clinical Nursing TEMPLATE tab you wish to copy and choose "Move or Copy" check the box "Create a copy"
3. Right click again on the new tab you just created from the Template, choose "Rename" and change to "LASTNAME First and prefix SW or RN or CN"

4. Add in: Participant Name, NDIS Number, Service Start date (as specified by M&T) and Plan End date (NDIS)

5. Add in Transport section: insert the "Maximum km/day" in column B, just number form (no km suffix)

6. Use the information from M&T about shifts to enter into column H.
Please use info above re timing of shifts and check the examples below

Info from Molly & Tinashe Equates to this data for the Quoting Calcs Spreadsheet
Tuesdays 9am to 12pm and then 4pm to 7pm 
Wednesdays 7am to 9am and then 3pm to 6pm
Fridays 7am to 9am and then 3pm to 6pm
Saturdays 9am to 3pm
Transport- 0.97c / kilometre.

Tuesdays - 6 hours day shift
Wednesdays - 5 hours day shift
Fridays - 5 hours day shift
Saturdays - 6 hours day shift
Transport - "as required" and alter the column C to be "0.97"
Monday 6am to 10am and 8pm to 9pm Monday - 4 hours day shift, 1h evening 
Friday 7pm to 8am Saturday Friday - 1 hour day shift, 2 hour evening, 8 hour night
Saturday - 2 hour day shift


7. Click and drag from cell A1 to the bottom corner of the Sheet J37 - Go up to File - Print - Settings Print Selection "Only print the current selection" and use your Print to PDF on your computer.
8. Upload the PDF to Splose "LASTNAME Firstname LCS Quoted Schedule of Supports"

9. and keep the PDF handy as you will need to upload it into the Service Agreement also

The link for the SA will come through the workflow email from SA SF  "ACTION NOTE: Service Agreement for"

If this is a Private Referral then NO SA is to be sent